Workforce Health + Benefits

How To Encourage Wellness and Still Keep Your Workforce Productive

Wellness is a lifestyle choice. It coincides with all aspects of life—not just what happens at work. Research suggests that as your employees’ health begins to improve, their productivity does as well. The CDC supports the claim that healthier employees are generally more productive:

  • Healthier employees are less likely to call in sick or use vacation time due to illness
  • Companies that support workplace health have a greater percentage of employees at work every day
  • Because employee health frequently carries over into better health behavior that impact both the employee and their family (such as nutritious meals cooked at home or increased physical activity with the family), employees may miss less work caring for ill family members as well
  • Similarly, workplace health programs can reduce presenteeism—the measurable extent to which health symptoms, conditions and disease adversely affect the work productivity of individuals who choose to remain at work

Have more questions regarding the positive impact of wellness plans on your population? Call us at 877.662.7286 or email us at for more information. We’re happy to share our experiences and recommendations to help you achieve your goals.

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